All housing is built with 2 x6. Soil is based on 36 inch centers and the horizontal deck cover is 2 x 6. How much weight the platform support? Sorry for the lack of information. . The deck is 12 feet by 12 feet, with springs on 36 inch centers. The basis of all supports and wooden deck nwi 2 x 6 construction. I wonder if the deck will support a total weight of about 3500 pounds. Well, I have the answer here. It will not work unless you have a support beam to the central section of the beams from 2×6 can not cover, but between 8 to 9 meters, depending on the distance. If you bring everything up to code then you will need at least 40 pounds. Per square foot. O 12 x 12 x 40 = 5.760 lbs. See the International Building Code Section tranche AM106 deck beams and see the floor section of beam sections for further separation.
Installing Deck Deck Carpentry Plastibec.